Welcome to the Duck Room!!Our general age range is 2-3 years. As two year olds, we are in the midst of a big internal transition/struggle on our way to independence. We are very willing to do things all by ourselves, but at the same time we don’t want to let go of that familiarity of our parents/ guardians doing things for us. We don’t want to lose that need for our parents. This is what causes many tantrums and power struggles during this age. Plus, we are also learning to potty in the big toilet. We are growing and learning at the quickest rate since we were infants. We love to play with our friends, and are developing bonds with them. Our teachers provide us with a clean and stimulating environment, which includes projects (art, science, cooking and math) as well as group time, circle time and outside time. Our teachers observe and record our daily activities. Our parents/guardians are expected to call and let our teachers know if we will be absent for any reason. Our parents/guardians provide our diapers/Pull-Ups/underwear and wipes, as well as at least two sets of extra clothes and all weather-appropriate outdoor gear, including hats, gloves, snow pants and boots for winter. Please feel free to call 277-9990 to schedule a tour of our classroom. Schedule for the Duck Room7:00-8:45 Drop off time in the Duck Room / Free Choice and Table Activities